Total Biology - Vancouver Canada

Private Consultations in Total Biology


The Consultant in Total Biology supports you and guides you in this process but you remain at all times the key to your healing and your well being. Your active participation is, therefore, essential because the question revolves around your life history and you are the only person who is in a position to bring out all the information about yourself.

Using the tools of Total Biology, the goals of this process are:

  • To bring about a greater awareness and better understanding of your condition or perhaps your behaviour.
  • To identify the events that are the sources of conflict at the origin of your current health condition.
  • To put down on paper your life history and all the major negative events of your life.
  • We consider: 3 generations above in the family tree, 18 months before birth, the first year of your life and your life time line (from now, backward to your birth).                                                                 
  • To bring about the significant changes you desire by resolving the identified conflicts.

Since this is about your life history, the work deserves to be done with care. It is a serious task that requires all your attention. To support this work, the individual first signs up for three sessions. Subsequent sessions are determined according to the person's needs and the goals he or she has set.

This work in Total Biology is not in any way a substitute for your medical care. You ensure your own safety by continuing to see your health professional and by following medical prescriptions.

Consultations can be paid by check or by Paypal which allows you to use your credit card or wire transfer from your bank account depending on your set up with Paypal.

For an appointment, please send an e-mail to

Total Biology Consulting, Vancouver
Gilbert Renaud, TBC (604) 879-4563 or


Private Consultations in Total Biology

"We are sick because we are not aware. Awareness is the key to healing."